Fine soil plays the music – the right mix and luck drive plant growth and yield.
down-to-earth – future-oriented – simple
All soil data at hand. As an agricultural entrepreneur, in most cases, you’re a three-in-one-person – manager, expert and worker. Depending on the character of each activity you require soil data in different levels of aggregation, ranging from corporate and field level up to the concrete job level.
Instant availability
of all soil data through aggregated overviews
Taking advantage
of soil-specific subareas within the fields
The right starting point for optimal machine configuration and use of resources
As a manager the Soil-Mycorrhiza-Report provides you instantly with all relevant soil data for your corporation, including a regional benchmark.
Experts – of course – require more! The Soil-Mycorrhiza-Report cascades data down through the specific levels of aggregation and provides expert-relevant insights about soil-specific subareas of fields (clay, loamy sand, clay loam, etc). Thus you can exploit optimally the synergies arising from soil fauna, micro-organisms, available field capacity, air balance, climate, fertilizer, chemistry, crop rotation, etc.
As a worker you need a specific machine configuration or indication of quantity to start your day. Here it comes to the crunch – steps to achieve the expected potential of efficiency are executed now. The Soil-Mycorrhiza-Report is therefore the right starting point. According to your needs you simply choose the subsequent service offer:
- Input optimization – crop protection, fertilization, seeds, crop rotation, etc.
- Precision Agriculture – apply soil data with tractor and machine terminals; and benefit even more from the now freely available RTK-accuracy
- Smart farming – linking soil data with data from farm management software solutions (vegetation maps, yield potential maps, etc.)
- Multi-subsidy-application-forms (AMA MFA-application)
- Rateable value notice
Scope of services
- Soil-Mycorrhiza-Report
- Presentation